Friday, August 7, 2009

7 Steps for Involving those with Severe Cognitve Deficits in Exercise Programming

Yes it is possible for those with severe cognitive deficits to participate in exercise and other activities programming. The process goes like this:

1. Greet warmly putting person at ease and feeling safe ( i.e. unchallenged).

2. Use body language and eye contact to keep person focused

3. Use as few words as possible giving one or two word directions and then just demonstrating

4. Always approach and direct the person from the front keeping eye contact

5. Ask permission to take the person’s hands and then guide him through the exercise gradually letting go and backing off while giving positive reinforcement for even the slightest effort. Ifise necessary repeat this process.

6. With each effort make empowering statements. For instance, “See you can do it!” or “Beautiful!” or “That’s exactly right!”

7. Watch for signs of frustration, pain or fatigue.
Let me know if this works for you and please feel free to add to this list.

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Welcome to my blog where I will share my thoughts, ideas and experiences with the Benvolent Ballet Fall Prevention program. For those who are not familiar with the program it is an approach to exercise especially designed for those with physical and or cognitive challenges including the frial elderly. Inspired by classical ballet's music and concepts it becomes not only an exercise class but an altogether enriching experience.

Incorporated into this program is a motivational approach using what may be called 'empathic engagement' . One day training seminars for healthcare staff have been held throughout the US. I have personally facilitated the program in assisted living, skilled nursing facilities and independent living communities